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Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

opinion of my English language skills

           I think English language skills during this pasiv and not active. My first ever english skinny 5 years, and at that time my skills in the English language quite well compared to now. because almost every meeting in the first place by using a course that speaks English. but my english language skills is getting less now, due to lack of communication with the English language and is no longer supported by the English language courses.
           the difficulty of memorizing the dictionary makes it difficult to me in speaking. habits are a major factor in order to smoothly communicate with the English language. . I speak English because pasiv was also a major factor.
            when every day I communicate with my close friends using the English language, the ability to discuss the possibility of my English will be better and honed my communication with the possibility of my becoming fluent english. moreover supported with less additional English language courses at a time when my holiday. but unfortunately the distance of my home course with the reason of "why I am not a course" and the time off is not consistent from campus.

My goal after graduating from Gunadarma


     after my graduation from university Gunadarma and has a degree in economics from the accounting department, I want to be able to work as a staff in the company famous the administrative staff is my dream since childhood.  
       Starting with I saw the workers in a famous mall, and from there came my desire to aspire to become administrative staff. Because the administration's staff is still in the scope of the courses I am elaborated that accounting majors.
         I later worked as administrative staff section, I will strive to be a professional administrative staff, diligent, capture, and intelligent, so that the company can assess the quality of my performance during the work later. 

My opinion for the two candidates 2014


       Jokowi is someone who has a good authority, so it makes a lot of people who love it. He is the governor of Jakarta which has a goal to build and fix the capital problems.but in 2014 it Jokowi chose to become the presidential candidate who was accompanied by her partner, namely Jusuf Kalla. Jokowi goals become the presidential candidate is to build the country of Indonesia. Her attitude to go straight to the people to make him in love and in support for a presidential candidate. But there are still many people who cons of its performance.


         Prabowo an Indonesian presidential candidate who has a goal to build a state of Indonesia as Suharto era. He wants to prosper his people, raise the salaries of workers, employment contract and remove the others. embroidery and objectives are clear, the figure many people favored because he has a soul and a spirit of socialist good defense.